Tag: fairytale

Rewriting a tale

kia orana

We are tying to change a story from 3rd person / narrator to 1st person We had to:

  • pick a fairy tale we know so we can rewrite it
  • brainstorming a fairy tale from another character point of view.my chosen character is jack in the beanstalk view
  • add words to describe the characterΒ  – angry,tall, buff,lived in a castle in the sky,hungry
  • Add the pronouns I need to use for 1st person perspective -I,we,me,my,our.
  • Check we have the main events from the story and number in order to remind me to use paragraph

Here isΒ  myΒ  first paragraph

I was eating peacefully in my castle then something unexpected starting growing my living room the a littleΒ  unexpected critter pushed thought my doggy hole and started screaming his screaming was so loud my last of glass cup of frobscottle smashed so that got me super angry so in the a scaring voice i said what are you doing here with my eyes staring into his soul and once i stooped talking he staring doing this ugly scream with this weird clear liqard ruining down his face