Category: Hanga | Create


good day this term my class and I were studying financial literacy and learning about how much food cost today and in the 1990s there was a big difference

culture diversity

this week we have been about learning culture diversity which means learning about other cultures and facts about them. Me and my buddy Mia have chosen Australia as out culture and we learnt a lot of facts about it. We also learnt that aboriginals are the indigenous people of Australia just like how Maori people are the indigenous people of NZ.

π–ˆπ–†π–—π–’π–Šπ–“ π–˜π–†π–“ π–‰π–Žπ–Šπ–Œπ–” π–Žπ–“π–›π–Šπ–˜π–™π–Žπ–Œπ–†π–™π–Žπ–”π–“

malo e lelei

this week we have been playing carmen san diego its basically were you go to diffrent citys and countys to try and find carmen this is all the screen shots of me trying to find carmen

Rewriting a tale

kia orana

We are tying to change a story from 3rd person / narrator to 1st person We had to:

  • pick a fairy tale we know so we can rewrite it
  • brainstorming a fairy tale from another character point of chosen character is jack in the beanstalk view
  • add words to describe the characterΒ  – angry,tall, buff,lived in a castle in the sky,hungry
  • Add the pronouns I need to use for 1st person perspective -I,we,me,my,our.
  • Check we have the main events from the story and number in order to remind me to use paragraph

Here isΒ  myΒ  first paragraph

I was eating peacefully in my castle then something unexpected starting growing my living room the a littleΒ  unexpected critter pushed thought my doggy hole and started screaming his screaming was so loud my last of glass cup of frobscottle smashed so that got me super angry so in the a scaring voice i said what are you doing here with my eyes staring into his soul and once i stooped talking he staring doing this ugly scream with this weird clear liqard ruining down his face

WALT:measuring square meters

Measuring Square meters (mΒ²)Β 


Make a square meter and see what it looks like.

Use either paperΒ  or Β pegs and strings or Four meters rulersΒ 

  • Find out how many people can fit in your square?

We found out that only 11 people can fit in our meter square but it is depending on the shoe size of the person.


  • List surfaces in your classroom you would estimate to have an area approximately one square meter.

table angles

kia ora bloggers

Β this week in our maths lesson i have been learning how to measure,draw and classify different angles

first i didΒ measured and classify my angles by using a a classify chart i measure the angles by using a protector.

    1. then i drew a baseline up to 3 cm then i put the end of the protector on the end of the line then i made sure the protector in the centre of the line and the end and the baseline rests Β  on the drawn line.
    2. I pressed firmly on the paper then i counted the required size staring from zero on the left side if the size is over 180 rotate it upside down the.
    3. I count the extra angles needed the i put a dot mark on the edge of the protector theΒ  i joined the dot to the end point of the baseline the i able the size and name the type of angle drawing

      i would like to learn more practise with measuring angle



Kia ora bloggers,today we learnt about the angles there are different names for different angles. An Acute angles are smaller than a right angle because its less than 90 degrees. A right angles is 90 degrees and anything below 90 is called an Acute angle and anything above 90 is an Obtuse angle.A straight angle is basically a straight line that is 180 degrees.

blog comment

Kia Ora bloggers ,

today we learnt about making our comments more interesting and thoughtful comment