Tag: angles

table angles

kia ora bloggers

Β this week in our maths lesson i have been learning how to measure,draw and classify different angles

first i didΒ measured and classify my angles by using a a classify chart i measure the angles by using a protector.

    1. then i drew a baseline up to 3 cm then i put the end of the protector on the end of the line then i made sure the protector in the centre of the line and the end and the baseline rests Β  on the drawn line.
    2. I pressed firmly on the paper then i counted the required size staring from zero on the left side if the size is over 180 rotate it upside down the.
    3. I count the extra angles needed the i put a dot mark on the edge of the protector theΒ  i joined the dot to the end point of the baseline the i able the size and name the type of angle drawing

      i would like to learn more practise with measuring angle